Could you benefit from a seven-figure increase in revenue with little to no additional work? A Premium Finance Captive owner can expect to earn 2x to 3x times more than what they might be earning from a 3rd party premium finance company.
Our Captive Premium Finance Program allows agencies, wholesalers, and carriers to produce significant additional revenue with a captive premium finance company without the headaches of forming and operating it.
If your agency finances over 1.5mm annually, forming your own captive could be a very lucrative business endeavor. Contact us or learn more about the benefits and how it works below
Allows a more flexible way for insured to pay
Creates a new revenue stream with low risk
Generates a more predictable monthly revenue stream
Collect commissions upfront
All state/ national licensing and compliance
100% of customer servicing
Nationally-compliant loan management software
All accounting and reporting
Our team provides a unique experience as it relates to premium finance and premium payment collections. Customer retention is provided by real human beings whose goal is to make sure that your customers are handled delicately and professionally. When a policy cancels nobody wins!