Moutain West Premium Fianance specializes in making in loans of all sizes to finance any kind of insurance policy's premium. Founded in San Diego, California
in the Fall of 2000, we have expanded to all 50 states while maintaining industry leading customer service and attention to details. No automated attendant or layered voice-mail, just real live people, ready to answer the phone and help you with questions.
With more than 25 years of combined experience Mountain West is capable of handling any and all of your financial needs. Our full service technology initive is not only a unique buissness approach, but it also separates us from the competition. People empowered through technology. Every staff member is a knowledgeable professional and ready to answer your questions immediately and accurately. This personal touch paired with our proprietery software ensures you will recieve the best possible experience.
Our creativity, high energy and enthusiasm is very indicative of how we operate our company. We value all of our clients, big & small. Our vision is to provide creative alternatives to existing lending practices within the industry. Whether it is a traditional finance program, a direct bill option, or you are looking to form your own captive premium finance company, Mountain West offers solutions to fit your needs in the marketplace.
Our team provides a unique experience as it relates to premium finance and premium payment collections. Customer retention is provided by real human beings whose goal is to make sure that your customers are handled delicately and professionally. When a policy cancels nobody wins!